About The SimBio Foundation

SimBiotic Software and it’s predecessors have been producing simulation-based teaching tools for biology classes since 1992. As SimBio transitioned to being a worker-owned company, the founder wanted to give back to the education community that SimBio has been a part of over those many years. The SimBio Foundation is that mechanism for giving back. Though the foundation was formed with funds from the company, there is no formal relationship between The SimBio Foundation and SimBiotic Software.

The SimBio Foundation is dedicated to improving biology education through supporting research. Commensurate with its size, it is approaching this mission by providing seed funds to prototype new ideas in biology education research, with the hope that some of these prototypes will prove successful enough to attract larger funding elsewhere.

Given the background behind its formation, The SimBio Foundation favors projects with potential to produce concrete products from their research. These could include, but are not limited to, teaching tools (whether digital or offline), assessments, replicable teaching techniques, or projects that could produce information which would directly inform the design of future educational products. Since much of SimBiotic Software’s work has been in undergraduate biology, The SimBio Foundation favors projects conducted within or to benefit that audience. However, the foundation is open to proposals on any topic relating to biology education research.